The Preservation League of NYS drafted a statement decrying recent actions by the federal government to rewrite and censor history, notably by removing all mention of Transgender and Queer people from the Stonewall National Monument website. We aim to show a united front by joining our voice with our colleagues to condemn this erasure — and historic erasure of any kind.
Read MoreThe Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) is developing a Program Comment on Accessible, Climate-Resilient, Connected Communities that aims to provide federal agencies with an alternate way to comply with their responsibilities under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The League has been reviewing the proposed Program Comment, talking with NY SHPO staff, and following conversations happening at the national level. Here is a summary and things you can do in response.
Read MoreWe know that Historic Tax Credits are a crucial tool for preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings — which is why it is so important that we have hard numbers that prove just how immense the impact is. The National Park Service’s Annual Report detailing the economic impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit is an invaluable resource as preservation advocates continue to promote the importance of maintaining and enhancing Historic Tax Credits.
Read MoreDuring the recent PastForward virtual conference, the League was pleased to again lead New York’s team of advocates as we met with key members of our state’s Congressional delegation to share our enthusiasm for preservation. Although the timing of the conference – just days before the midterm elections, November 1-4 – was challenging, we held a series of productive meetings in which we thanked representatives and their staffers for their support, updated them on federal preservation issues, and requested their support for our current priorities.
Read MoreMembers of Congress are generally in their home districts in October, so now is a great time to contact your Representative to invite them to tour a local Historic Tax Credit project! Visits to rehabilitated historic buildings – or projects in progress – are great opportunities for you to educate legislators about the benefits of historic preservation in your community. Congresspeople welcome the chance to visit exciting projects in their own hometowns and connect with constituents who are doing great work. They can see for themselves how rehabilitated historic buildings contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of local communities, and you can boost your connections with your lawmakers and their staff.
Read MoreThe Preservation League is pleased to be working with State Senator Timothy Kennedy and Assemblymember Carrie Woerner on legislation to extend the state commercial and homeowner rehabilitation tax credits — and we need your help!
Read MoreTo close out your summer, we're bringing you the latest in preservation policy from Capitol Hill, DC, and the important impacts felt here in New York State!
Read MoreWe recently caught up with Congressman Brian Higgins to get some insight into his interests and efforts in support of historic preservation.
Read MoreTo celebrate improvements to the state historic tax credit for small projects, the League joined Assemblymembers Carrie Woerner, John McDonald, and Patricia Fahy for a press conference in Troy in May, and with Senator Timothy Kennedy for another in Buffalo in August. Redburn Development Principal Tom Rossi and Troy Mayor Patrick Madden were on hand in Troy and Preservation Buffalo Niagara Executive Director Jessie Fisher and Preservation Studios Principal Mike Puma joined in Buffalo.
Read More“The Preservation League of NYS applauds the NYS Senate and Assembly for the passage of the Historic Barn Rehabilitation Tax Credit bill this session,” said Preservation League President Jay DiLorenzo. “Our Technical Services team fields questions about barn rehabilitation more often than for any other building type. This tax credit provides much-needed resource for owners of historic barns to preserve these important buildings that provide a physical link to our state’s agricultural past. The League thanks Senator Hinchey and Assemblymember Barrett for their leadership on this issue.”
Read MoreAs we marked the end of the 2021 New York State legislative session on June 10, our policy team wanted to take a moment to reflect upon the League’s recent preservation advocacy efforts.
Read MoreOn Friday, May 7, League President Jay DiLorenzo joined with Assemblymembers Carrie Woerner, John T. McDonald III, and Patricia Fahy to celebrate improvements to the state commercial historic tax credit in the 2021-2022 NYS budget. The press conference was held at the Collar Factory Lofts in Troy, a historic factory turned into loft apartments by Redburn Development — with the help of historic tax credits. Redburn Development Principal Tom Rossi and Troy Mayor Patrick Madden were also on hand to share remarks, mentioning to positive effect the increased credit is sure to have on Troy and other cities like it across the state.
Read MoreAlthough we missed our traditional Capitol Hill visits in DC this year, hundreds of historic preservation supporters from around the country convened virtually to advocate for preservation with their state Congressional Representatives.
Read MoreWhile we wish we could have joined our supporters in person to attend meetings in the Capitol and Legislative Office Building in downtown Albany, we successfully transformed our advocacy to a virtual Zoom event. Our attendees included familiar faces as well as some new advocates from across New York State who were eager to convey to legislative leadership the importance of preservation in their communities.
Read MoreHistoric preservation is woven throughout Governor Cuomo’s proposed FY 2022 New York State Budget. We appreciate his continued support of the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation and the New York State Council on the Arts, as well as his leadership during these challenging times.
Read MoreOn February 26, 2020 Preservation advocates traveled to Albany from near and far to advocate for historic preservation in New York State! We kicked off the day at our headquarters with our legislative brief and opening remarks by Erik Kulleseid, Commissioner of the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation.
Read MoreOn January 26, 2020, the New York Times published an opinion piece accusing historic preservation of being “elite” and harming the fight against global warming, among other improper characterizations of the field.
Read MoreSave the date: 2019 Preservation Advocacy Day at the NYS Capitol is coming up on February 5, 2019!
Read MoreWe asked some lawmakers, business leaders, and preservation advocates to find out.
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