Hill Report - September 2021

To close out your summer, we're bringing you the latest in preservation policy from Capitol Hill, DC, and the important impacts felt here in New York State!

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An Afternoon with Congressman Brian Higgins

On August 11, League president Jay DiLorenzo had the pleasure of touring the Record Theater project in Buffalo with Congressman Higgins, along with Jessie Fisher (Executive Director, Preservation Buffalo Niagara), Jason Yots (Common Bond Real Estate), and Mike Puma (Preservation Studios). β€œIt was a great opportunity to talk preservation and tour an active historic tax credit project with the Congressman,” said DiLorenzo. Afterwards, we caught up with the Congressman for a for a deep dive into his interest in preservation. Click here to read that interview.

Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (H.R. 2294, S. 2266)

This week, preservation advocates are anxiously awaiting the possible inclusion of historic tax credit enhancement in the budget reconciliation process.


With the passage of the bipartisan trillion-dollar infrastructure bill (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3684), preservation advocates see the potential to include HTC-GO provisions under that umbrella in the final package. This makes it more important that you urge your Congressmembers here in NYS to co-sponsor HTC-GO and voice your support for including these provisions in infrastructure legislation.

Preservation advocates also continue to monitor other provisions of the bill that have the potential to negatively impact preservation, particularly with speeding up environmental reviews under the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.

Appropriations/Historic Preservation Fund

Back in late July, news hit of the U.S. House of Representatives Interior Appropriations bill (H.R. 4502), to fund the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) at $155.8 million. Preservation advocates are hopeful to see the same in the Senate, as this injection of funding remains crucial for supporting State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers in executing their duties under the National Historic Preservation Act. Further, the funds support several grant programs dedicated to the preservation and protection of historic resources and furthering equity and diversity in preservation efforts.