The Preservation League provides several grant programs that jump-start preservation projects across the state. Read the brief descriptions below and follow the links to learn more about application processes, eligibility requirements, and funding cycles. Still not sure what grant program is the best fit for your project? Email us and we'll be happy to guide you in the right direction.
Short Studies for Small Projects: TAG supports discrete studies on spaces or systems within a building, structure, or site to precede repairs or limited rehabilitation projects. Supported projects include accessibility studies, limited condition assessments, engineering/structural analyses, feasibility/reuse studies, and MEP analyses. Open to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations and units of local government managing an arts/cultural facility.
Comprehensive Studies for Capital Projects: PNY supports comprehensive planning studies for an entire building/site to inform long term rehabilitation, preservation, or restoration plans and to precede capital projects. Supported projects include building condition reports, cultural landscape reports, and historic structure reports. Open to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.
Preservation Planning for Communities: PNY Community Grants support cultural/historic resources surveys and National Register historic district nominations. Open to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations and municipalities.
The Preserve New York (PNY) and Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) programs are a partnership between the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and the Preservation League of New York State. These grant programs are made possible by NYSCA with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Implementation Grants for Capital Projects: The Preservation Opportunity Fund (POF) is a Preservation League grant that supports shovel-ready repair, rehabilitation, and restoration projects for significant historic properties. Open to nonprofit organizations and municipalities.
The Gratz Fund supports professional preservation services and capital projects. By invitation only; priority given to projects in the Utica, NY area.
Each of our grant programs have unique eligibility requirements and priorities. Follow the links above to learn more about each application process.
Grantees must have successfully completed any prior League-funded grant projects in order to apply for additional funding.
TAG and Preserve NY grants are offered annually, with applications due in the spring.
POF grants are offered annually, with Letters of Intent due in the fall.
Gratz Fund applications are by invitation only.
To stay up-to-date on grant news, subscribe to our e-newsletter below.
The Preservation League of NYS is seeking professionals in historic preservation or related fields to serve as grant reviewers. Click here to learn more and sign up as a potential panelist.