Excellence Award Spotlight: Pier 57

The rehabilitation of Pier 57 in Hudson River Park has received a 2023 Excellence in Historic Preservation Award from the Preservation League of NYS. Since 1984, the League's annual Excellence Awards program has shined a light on the people who are using historic preservation to make all our lives better —through exemplary restoration projects, indispensable publications, individual action, and organizational distinction.

“The Preservation League of NYS plays a unique and important role in recognizing projects across New York State that strengthen communities through investments that preserve our collective history,” said Noreen Doyle, President & CEO of Hudson River Park Trust. “As stewards of a large public park with a rich maritime history, Hudson River Park has taken special joy in seeing the public embrace Pier 57’s renewal as a successful example of adaptive reuse at an enormous scale. We thank the League for this honor and congratulate all our partners who have made this project possible.”

Beginning with the listing of the pier on the State and National Register of Historic Place in 2004, through the completion of construction in 2022, the rebirth and reimagining of Pier 57 is the result of a partnership between the Hudson River Park Trust, RXR, Young Woo & Associates, and the pier's tenants, Google, City Winery, Jamestown, and the James Beard Foundation. Together, this group along with their consultants, blended long-term stewardship, sensitive restoration treatments, and design excellence to arrive at an adaptive reuse project that integrates the pier into Hudson River Park and includes a new public rooftop park, commercial office space, a performance venue, a food market, and environmental tech classrooms and community spaces.

Photo descriptions: 1. The new rooftop park. 2. A view of the exterior facing 11th Avenue after restoration and 3. before. An up close view of the foothouse (located on the side opposite the 11th Avenue facade, in the water) featuring the historic Marine & Aviation signage: 4. after restoration, with a view of the skyline across the water in the background; 5 and 6 before restoration. After photos by Lester Ali. Before photos courtesy of Higgins Quasebarth & Partners, LLC

Property Ownership
Hudson River Park Trust: Noreen Doyle
RXR: Scott Rechler, Todd Rechler, Greg Clancy, John Ambrosini
Young Woo & Associates: Young Woo
Handel Architects: Gary Handel, Frank Fusaro, Rick Kearns, Jessica Levine
Landscape Architect
!melk: Jerry van Eyck, Ian Hampson, Savina Romanos
Historic Preservation Consultant
Higgins Quasebarth & Partners, LLC: Cas Stachelberg, Sarah Sher
Structural Engineer
Silman: Nat Oppenheimer
MEPFP Engineer
Cosentini: Michael Maybaum, Zigmund Biler
Marine Engineering
McLaren Engineering Group: John Woolley, Patrick Doliber
General Contractor
Hunter Roberts: James McKenna
Google: Paul Dareh, Adam Lutz
City Winery: Michael Dorf
Jamestown: Steve Papp
Tribeca Film Festival
Tenant Architects
Google - Diller Scofidio Renfro: Liz Diller, Zoe Small
City Winery - Chris Warnick
Jamestown/James Beard Foundation - S9 Architecture